We have been struggling this year… Covid19 has scattered our membership, forcing us to commune with each other via email every Sunday. Our Muriel Lush has made sure that we had a message every Sunday, tailored to us.
Then, on July 1, 2020, Canada Day, we lost our Nancy Breadner, our current Church Chair, and the person who made sure the Church was open every Sunday, aired out, cleaned, speaker arranged, meetings held.
Trying to keep our members encouraged, we organized our Outdoor Family Hymn Singing all Summer. There were several Sundays when we had to cancel it because of the rain.
Finally, in August, we received this wonderful painting – donated to us by Danilo Zivkovic, who encouraged our efforts with his artistic and visionary talent: it depicts our Church and three beautiful colourful ribbons. The three ribbons represent LOVE, HOPE and FAITH. As they enter the Church through the back window and exit through the front window, we see them come out strengthened and full. The inscription on the painting reads “Love, Hope and Faith grow stronger through fellowship“.
We pray these words to you Lord Jesus – may your invisible hand guide us to grow love, hope and faith. The World needs them.